This poster started out as a simple drawing that reflected how I felt at a certain point in my life and after showing it to others I realized many related to it. The idea is that when a person isn't well and is suffering from mental health issues, they have a tendency to hide what they feel, put on a smile and say that all is well when they are actually suffering. To add to that, I used bright and clashing colors to show the chaos that goes on in a person's mind when they are going through that. I wanted the poster to feel as chaotic as one might feel.
poster \ 2022 - dawson college
graphic design : Emma Chevillot-Versini
Mental illness is a big issue often ignored in favour of being "okay". Most people these days suffer from either one or multiple mental disorders. Mind is a British mental health charity that seeks to inform and give advice to people suffering from mental health issues. It felt natural to link this charity with a poster on mental illnesses.